Ever Accountable Blog

Updates about the app and the latest research on pornography prevention and recovery.
30 Aug
| 0

Tips for women struggling with pornography – a woman to woman chat

Posted by Dr. Joy Skarka, guest post | For Women, Pornography Facts, Recovery

We're so grateful to share a guest post by Dr. Joy Skarka, author, Her Freedom Journey: A Guide Out of Porn and Shame to Authentic…

05 Aug
| 0

Porn blockers vs. accountability apps – the data is in! ⚡

Posted by Ever Accountable Team | How to, Pornography Facts, Updates

We tested both - accountability is 3x better than porn blockers! Ever Accountable is uniquely positioned to compare blocking software with accountability software, because we’ve…

24 May
| 0

Is Porn Use and Depression Linked?

Sources like Medical News Today boldly state:“There is currently no large-scale, conclusive evidence to support the idea that pornography use causes depression or that people…


Expect More Than an App

We are here for you through meaningful articles, emails, and guides to keep you on track. Our customer service and support teams care about your success and will respond quickly with questions or comments you have. We will give you everything at our disposal to help you quit porn for good and get back to thriving.