Ever Accountable Blog

Updates about the app and the latest research on pornography prevention and recovery.
18 Dec
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Child Pornography vs. Child Sexual Abuse Material: What’s In A Name and Why It Matters

Posted by Julia Daniels | Pornography Facts, Prevention

Kids and porn. Those two words shouldn’t even ever belong in the same sentence.  However, pornography consumption spreads across the globe like a tidal wave.…

28 Nov
| 0

How To Create Age-Appropriate Android Phone Restrictions

“How do you make your phone and other tech safe for your kids?”  This is a frequently asked question in parenting circles. When this topic…

15 Nov
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What is Self Accountability and How to Get Started

Imagine looking back at that moment you decided things were going to be different and you’d experience freedom from pornography. Do you see yourself wondering…

10 Oct
| 0

The Link Between Gaming and Porn Use

It's unlikely that playing the 1980s game of Pac-Man will entice or encourage porn use or introduce suggestive imagery to the unsuspecting. But that can’t…


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