- Step 1: Gather your supplies. A notebook and a pen. That's all you need. It can be a cheap spiral bound from the dollar store, a brightly colored notebook decorated with rainbow dolphins, or a classy moleskine journal. What matters is what you put into it. For this purpose, I would recommend using actual paper as opposed to digital forms of journaling. The physical act of writing something down further cements the positive thought in your mind. Using a pen and paper also prevents you from distractions that are bound to pop up on a device.
- Step 2: Set aside time. Any time of day works, just try to make it consistent. If you keep the notebook near your bed, the end of the day can be the perfect time to reflect on your day and remember the good. This also gives you a moment away from the distractions of phones and other electronic devices that may distract you or prevent healthy sleep.
- Step 3: Write down five things you are grateful for. You can make them as big and important or small and personal as you desire. We have provided you with a guide for the first fourteen days of your exercise. While these suggestions are here to help get your mind moving in the right direction, you are free to modify things to suit your day and your personality. Five is a good goal, but you may go beyond the first five. The longer you practice gratitude, the easier it will become to think of things you are thankful for. Write as many as you want!
- Write five essential things you are grateful for. Things you could not live without. Be as specific as you can. If you list family members, write their names.
- Write five small things that make you happy. This could be any little thing from your favorite t-shirt, to your favorite smell. Focus on the little things that are not important, but still make you happy.
- Write five things that have happened to you in the last few weeks that have made you happy. Did you have a nice chat with a friend? Enjoy a walk with your dog? Complete an assignment at work? Write it down!
- Write five things always guaranteed to make you laugh. A favorite funny movie or comedian? Something funny your kids did when they were little? Or even your favorite Studio C sketch.
- List five people who are important to you.
- Take some time to think about the natural beauty around you. List five places or things found in nature (cloud formations, a favorite flower, etc.) that you find beautiful.
- List 5 of your favorite things. Songs, movies, books, desserts, or anything else you love.
- Today, take some time to think about what others have done to help you in the past. They can be small gestures of kindness or big things that you are grateful for.
- This one may take a little introspection, but think about and list five things you have done recently to help someone else out.
- Write five things that you are glad you have learned. Do you know a lot of facts about comic book characters? Are you well versed in coding languages? Have you been taught the best way to keep your car running smooth?
- List five examples of kind words. This can be either uplifting quotes that you love, or things people have said to you that just made your day.
- Write down what you're good at!
- Write down five of your most treasured memories.
- Take a moment to think about your gratitude practice over the last two weeks. Read through your previous entries. Have you learned anything new? Noticed things you didn't notice before? Write down five good things that have come from this exercise.